Francis Longinus Sangorski

profession Artist, craftsman, bookbinder

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Born 15 March 1875
Died 1 July 1912 drowned in bathing accident
Father Felix Sangorski
Mother Lydia Clark
Married 1st Anne divorced
Married 2nd Frances Walde
Children First name Born Died
Richard 1905
Geoffrey Francis 1907
Margaret 1909 March 1980
Peter 1911 1930
Detail Here is an imperfect transcription of the story of the bookbindings of Francis Sangorski and the firm of Sangorski and Sutcliffe. This is the document in pdf form that was sent to me by the family. It is rather difficult to read. Here are some links about the firm and their greatest production The Great Omar, which famously went down on the Titanic.

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last edited 7/6/2018 - Jonathan Simons